
Posts Tagged ‘energy vibes


Communication is the cornerstone of all human relationships.

Yet it is amazing how it is the downfall of so many relationships as well.

We’ve all seen it or experienced it. Two people who share a connection, feelings, perhaps even love. Yet they can’t communicate properly and so their feelings and thoughts get misconstrued, and their connection deteriorates because the communication is flawed. Or one person holds back their true feelings because they are afraid, and not afraid of the other person, but just afraid to actually admit their thoughts out loud to anyone, because they never have, so then they never do, and eventually the connection suffers because that person couldn’t be honest with themselves let alone the other person.

You can over communicate too. Tell someone too much too soon, and that can throw a connection into a tail spin as well.

What is the correct level of communication then? Is there a perfect balance?

The answer to that, and to most of life’s connections about finding the perfect balance in a relationship, all goes back to finding the balance within yourself. Finding the zen between your feminine and masculine energies, the balance between your left and right brain, however you want to put it, it all means the same thing… you only find balance and harmony outwardly when you create your own peace and balance within yourself.

So the key to communication, is the same as the key to life really. Facing your fears to communicate beyond your comfort zone, and finding the balance between too much and not enough.

What have you said lately that pushed you outside of your comfort zone? Is there something you have been holding in that needs to be said? Say it. You will feel infinitely better on the other side of your fears. In the same respect, have you been saying too much to someone? Are they even listening? Reserve your words for those who care to listen. Don’t speak just to keep a conversation going, words said without purpose are words that are wasted.

Speak wisely, but do not hold your tongue when words can put clarity to life.

– Christine



When I am present in any given moment, I notice everything in that moment.

I notice the sounds around me, and what they are telling me about the positioning of all who are in motion around me.

I notice the subtle shift of knowing vs. curiosity in people’s eyes when I talk to them.

I notice the deliberate placement of someone’s gaze vs the haphazard wandering of a thoughtless stare.

I notice the thought that is forming in a person’s mind behind the facade of their inactive listening.

I notice the collective energy vibes of a room, and who is influencing those vibes the most.

I notice the endless depth behind the quietest people… and their silent acknowledgement of my knowing of their secret brilliance when our eyes meet and briefly pierce each other’s souls.

I notice the awkward dance that rests in the air between two people who can’t quite seem to figure out the connection between them.

I notice the subtle change of attitude that some feel necessary to use to distract others when they sense someone is becoming too close.

I notice the little things that people do and the little things they used to do.

I notice when your soul isn’t into something any more.

I notice both the calm and the erratic levels that people are vibing at, based on the zen of the air around them.

I notice when you enter a room, and when you leave it.

I notice you silently working up the courage to speak words to that person you’re really into… especially if that person is me.

I notice people who are turning on the charm vs. those who are naturally charming.

I notice those who are aware consciously aware of the fifth dimension, and those who will never quite grasp it.

I notice when you have ulterior motives behind the words coming out of your mouth.

I notice when you are lying.

I notice when you are trying to manipulate someone into thinking your idea is their idea.

I notice your level of confidence by combining the total of your words, your actions, and your silence.

I notice the subtlety of almost everything.

I notice things because I’m intuitive, perceptive, and judgmental. I’ve developed an ego of kindness which lends itself to being a people pleaser, and as such, I learned very early on to pay close attention to people, and all they were saying and not saying, so that I could use that knowledge to get what I wanted from them or the situation, all while making them think my interest is because I only have their best interest at heart. This is not to say that I don’t have their best interest at heart many times, however, self preservation is most always the name of the game.

It’s lonely at times… noticing everything about everyone… while mostly just wanting someone to notice me… and that I am not really what I pretend to be. I long for someone that looks at me in amazement of all the things I can clearly see, with a knowing that they will never quite be able to figure me out. Which may sound tiresome to most, but I’ve learned my best matches are the ones who love the randomness of my ever changing mind. To those few… the reward is the essence of my free spirited heart. For inside the layers of my brilliant mind, is a simple, fun loving girl, with a curiosity as fierce as the winds of a hurricane… that just wants to laugh and play, and make the most of this playground that is our world. A girl who wants to live at the highest levels of consciousness, where nothing of this world can be taken for granted, as it all serves a divine purpose for our chosen path of learning in life. Her, who will simply always want to be watching and be reveling in the orchestra of life… everyday that she is alive.

So… would you like to take notice with me?

– Christine